alias shorten=”a loooong, very often used command”
Create your own bash aliases or shortcuts in your terminal, to boost productivity
How to create your own bash aliases for productivity, and my entire list of them.
Less keystrokes, more productivity.
I live inside the CLI most of the time and one of the main pain points for me, is mistyping a part of a command, and then having to either left-arrow it, or retype it. This soon becomes irritating, specially when you’r on a roll.
My logical conclusion was that less keystrokes = less chances to mistype.
My next step was to procrastinate for a little, and save in the long run.
I started out with git.
Place the following code in your ~/.bash_profile and type source ~/.bash_profile . Then you can use gits on the command line like any other bash command
Keep doing this with the aliases below to have them available too.
alias gits="git status"
This worked amazing ! It’s really hard to mistype gits and it’s insanely fast to type !
Next, git add
Because I don’t have trigger finger, that dd really messed with me.
alias gita="git add"
Until I ended up with this
alias gits=”git status”
alias gitr=”git reset HEAD”
alias gitd=”git diff”
alias gitdc=”git diff — cached”
alias gita=”git add”
alias gitaa=”git add .”
alias gitc=”git commit -S -m”
alias gitcc=”git checkout”
alias gitp=”git push origin”
alias gitt=”git tag -s $1"
alias gittv=”git tag -v $1"
Worked like a charm.
I then started working with Kubernetes. We had quite a few contexts at the time and to keep typing kubectl config use-context [context] was just ridiculous. So I made another alias.
alias kucon="kubectl config use-context"
I started forgetting the names of the contexts after a while away, and getting them made me sleepy by the end.
alias kucons="kubectl config get-contexts"
If you start using Kubernetes and need to debug, you need to be able to find pods. kubectl get pods
alias kupods="kubectl get pods"
If your cluster is used by many teams, you’ll probably have a bunch of namespaces
alias kuns="kubectl get namespaces"
You know that thing that happens when you call kubectl get pods , then have to re-do that with kubectl get pods -n project-x-dev because you’re in the wrong namespace ?
Did you know you can switch the namespace you currently use ?
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=project-x-dev
NOPE ! Not typing that ! Like operating heavy machinery under the influence !
function kuswitchns {
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace="$1";
# Export exports the function above as a bash function
export -f kuswitchns
Now i can just kuswitchns to project-x-dev and forget about that pesky little -n thing !
Until it ended up like this
alias kucon="kubectl config use-context"
alias kucons="kubectl config get-contexts"
alias kupods="kubectl get pods"
alias kuns="kubectl get namespaces"
alias kurs="kubectl get rs"
alias kudel="kubectl delete"
alias kuapp="kubectl apply"
alias kudes="kubectl describe"
alias kulog="kubectl logs"
alias kupf="kubectl port-forward"
function kuswitchns { kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace="$1"; }
export -f kuswitchns
Did you know you can choose columns when you call docker ps ? I do this by default, as my terminal keeps wrapping the long names & ports and it gets hard to read.
alias dls='docker ps --format "table {{.ID}} {{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}"'
This is specially handy when in a CI process and the log are exposed through a tiny window in a browser 👌🏼
You know that feeling when you create a directory, and then have to retype it and cd into it ?!
function mkcdir { mkdir -p $1; cd $1; }
export -f mkcdir
You know that thing where you google base64 encoder and go to the first google result, paste, copy, paste ?
Why not just use the command line ? Specially when your cli is on a hotkey !
echo -n "aliases are magic" | base64
> YWxpYXNlcyBhcmUgbWFnaWM=
and if you want to get the value back again ?
echo -n 'YWxpYXNlcyBhcmUgbWFnaWM=' | base64 -D
> aliases are magic
I dont like typing pipes followed by 4 letter commands !
function b64 { echo -n "$1" | base64; }
function b64d { echo -n "$1" | base64 -D; }
export -f b64
export -f b64d
Now it’s just
b64 'aliases are amazing'
> YWxpYXNlcyBhcmUgYW1hemluZw==
b64d 'YWxpYXNlcyBhcmUgYW1hemluZw=='
> aliases are amazing
You need to have fun with them too !
Laravel ?! no … parti
# Laravel Artisan
alias parti="php artisan"
Django ?! no … pyman
# Django Manage
alias pyman="python"
# Virtual Env
alias virenv="virtualenv env --python python3.6 && source env/bin/activate"
Oh yes ! When my bash alias file became a bit larger, I started adding those nice separators to see exactly what was going on.
It does take some time to type those hashes though !
function new_alias_group {
echo '########################################';
echo "# $1";
echo '########################################';
export -f new_alias_group
$ new_alias_group 'Docker Commands'
# Docker Commands
The biggest command in my bash shortcuts ?
alias gitpretty="git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all"
The command above was stolen from somewhere that I cannot remember. But it prints out git branches and how they where merged etc. on the cli. It’s pretty sick !
OH and an entertaining one too !

A few things I have learnt using so many aliases
- When pair programming, remember to use the full commands
- When presenting, remember to use the full commands
- When ssh’ing into a server, remember to use the full commands
- Use the full commands a few times before aliasing them, else you’ll forget the full command
- Be careful of adding them in scripts for CI / CD
- Make sure to use unique commands so as to not override others
- Back them up in Github or the like, so your new machine can immediately be a productivity machine !
I truly hope you have learnt something from this post !
Whether its aliases, how to write a bash function and export it, that you can switch your default Kubernetes namespace, that you can specify go templates for many docker commands, given you an idea for a new productivity command, or reassured you that if you can add stickers on your machine and make it yours, then surely you can make your shell yours too !
Happy Bashing !